Injectables and infusions
Vitamin B12 (£50)
A single injection that can lead to improved memory, boost your energy, support bone health, improve mood and symptoms of depression, in particular in those who have low levels
Wellness Myers £325
An intra-vita infusion which can help to boost general wellbeing and contains a mixture of different vitamins and nutrients leading to health
Vitamic C (£50)
An injection that can boost your immune system, skin health and boost building of collagen. Often combined with glutathione for improved skin boosting
Hair and nails £325
A specialised infusion containing biotin and lysine and general nutrients which are essential in contributing to improved hair and nail strength
Glutathione £325
A powerful 1800mg infusion which can help support immune system function and skin brightening and boosting energy.
Kenalog or Efudix for scars
From £275
An injection that can be used to treat stubborn scars, in particular hypertrophic of keloid acne scarring to provide symptomatic relief.

Our infusions
We offer a range on infusions that are delivered over different time periods. Our most popular infusion if IV Gluthathione which has immune boosting properties and is used for skin brightening. Most infusions have recommended regimes (often 4-6 infusions) which can be spread apart by 6 weeks. If you have already had a regime or previously had regular infusions then a 6 monthly top up is likely to be most beneficial.
We offer package deals for regimes. Get in touch to find out more.